10 Ways To Practice Self Care | The Cape Grocer


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10 Ways To Practice Self Care

10 ways to practice self care

Are you the last person on your priority list ? 

For the most of us the answer is YES :(

But not today at least....

During a time of social distancing, there is never a better time to take care of yourself.  Not only for your physical well-being, but for you mental well-being too.

Today we will be sharing a light hearted post on "10 Ways To Practice Self Care" 

1. When was the last time you danced or just got down to have some fun :).   Put on your favorite upbeat record and shake it like THEKIFFNESS or you can do calm body stretching:)


Don’t touch your face. Wash your hands. When you greet your friend, do the namaste ##coronavirus ##coronaviruschallenge ##tiktoksouthafrica

♬ original sound - thekiffness



2. Write 5 things that you are grateful for.

We've included some examples below to get you started:)

Reference: http://www.momentsaday.com/10-things-mom-is-grateful-for/

3. Release your inner hoarder and do a mini declutter. Mindfully clean a room or a cupboard a day to get you started.

Reference: https://ohjoy.blogs.com/my_weblog/2015/09/how-i-decluttered-my-house.html


4. Have a good laugh. Watch or read a couple of comic strips or funny videos that you enjoy. (For inspiration, try Leon Schuster, Trevor Noah,Sdumo etc.)


5. Disconnect to connect. 

Free yourself for a short time from the binge of social media and email.  Here's a quick 3 Day Social Media Detox plan.  You will be surprised by the results.  Number 1 is my favorite :) 

 Reference: https://cristinawashere.com/social-media-detox/ 


6. Make a connection with a friend or family member. Tell them you love them and find out how they're doing? You will be surprised at this result too! 


7. Practice what you're good at. 

At the height of uncertainty with job security this is an opportunity to take what you're good at and use it for good:) 


8. Take short breaks in the day.  Plan your breaks every 45-52 minutes so you look forward to them, and keep your focus. Take a power nap. Go cloud watching. Take a walk outside. 

Reference:  https://www.fastcompany.com/40475204/youre-taking-breaks-the-wrong-way-heres-how-to-fix-that

9. Make simple and easy health choices. No i'm not talking a major diet overhaul just make simple swaps. The benefits are worth it!

  1. Choose nuts over chips.
  2. Reach for coffee or tea, not soda.
  3. Switch from baked goods to dark chocolate.
  4. Broil or grill salmon instead of steak.
  5. Ditch white side dishes in favor of green ones.

References: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-hearthealthy-food-swaps


10. Scream at least once a week.Science says it's good for you 

Reference: https://www.lifehack.org/349512/science-says-screaming-good-for-you 

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