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So what is bobotie (pronounced Ba-Boo-tea) ?  Bobotie is a delicious mixture of curried meat and fruit with a creamy golden topping and at times, in a non traditional way, wrapped in pastry :) The word "Bobotie" is controversial in every sense and its not because of the raisins and sultana's :) According to the Afrikaans etymological dictionary the word originated from the Malayan word boemboe, meaning curry spices and others seem to think it came from the Indonesian dish bobotok which consist completely of a different set of ingredients... This...

Ultra Mel Custard is South Africa's most loved custard! It's thick, creamy, and ultra-smooth with a blend of the finest vanilla. It's the perfect treat for desserts and can be served hot or cold, over jelly or pudding or on its own. Every spoonful will leave you wanting more! And what's more... we will be sharing four New and Exciting Ultramel Custard Desserts 'that you are going to love!' Enjoy! 1. Ultramel Lemon Meringue   Ingredients: 250ml Ultramel Custard 3 Egg yolks 385g Condensed Milk 1 Large Lemon 8 Crushed Digestive...

We have been on the look out for a great chutney recipe and we found this absolute gem. Mrs. Ball's direct descendants making Mrs. Balls Chutney:) Raewyn and Justine I guess they will never give out the recipe, but it certainly brings back good memories of making chutney with you Mom or Gran. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we did. Join The Cape Grocer Club Get 5% Off Your First Purchase. Early access to all our sales,get news on the latest products and blogs.  Click here to...

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" by E.E Cummings   When was the last time you had a good laugh ?  For some of us, it comes naturally for others we need Leon Schuster to put the smile back on our faces.  Who is Leon Schuster ? He is one of South Africa's funniest comedians and is certainly admired and respected by many South Africans. Today we will be sharing 10 of his most shared videos ever and will put the smile back in your day...

If you would like to learn how to make a curry, there is no better way than to start with the infamous South African Mince Curry dish. So....what is mince curry ? It is ground lean beef, packed with aromatic flavours of curry powder, fresh ginger and garlic, potatoes, peas and other spices..... And can be enjoyed with plain white rice or delicious buttered roti :)  Today we will be sharing a recipe by the infamous Fatima Sydow. Fatima Sydow is a legend when it come to cooking Cape Malay dishes..... (Like her...

Traaaaaa....dition, Tradition, Tradition ( with the Fiddler On The Roof playing in the background) Traaaa....dition , Tradition, Tradition..... did the sound play in the background :) When I think about tradition, especially during the Easter holidays...I think about "Ingelegde Vis" which is "Pickled Fish" in Cape Town.... So What is Pickled Fish? Pickled Fish is a traditional South African recipe for a classic dish of fish pickled in white wine or brown vinegar flavoured with curry spices like garam masala, fennel seeds and coriander seed :)..... And is enjoyed with hot cross buns...

Most South Africans love sweet things...... And when that sweet tooth comes knock'in..... South Africans dish up a storm of luscious dessert options .... Whether it is decadent brandy pudding aka tipsy tart, fried dough soaked in syrup (Koeksister) or a delicious milk tart that strikes your fancy, these iconic South African desserts will suit just about anyone looking for a sweet treat.... Here is a list of, while not exhaustive, of South Africa's most iconic dessert recipes below that you can make today....    1. Malva Pudding   Malva Pudding by Dearra Prop What...

What is Classic Chicken à la King ? Chicken à la King is a rich and creamy dish made of chicken strips served often with green peppers, mushrooms, and vegetables, over a bed of rice, noodles, bread or biscuits :)  Ingredients for the Classic Chicken à la King recipe 1 sachet of Knorr Chicken à la King Dry Cook In Sauce 15 ml / 0.5 oz Oil 500g / 1 lb Chicken Strips 1/2 Punnet of mushrooms chopped 1 Green Pepper Chopped 5 ml / 0.169 oz Paprika 500ml / 16.9 oz ...

Trаdіtіоnаllу, biltong hаѕ been made uѕіng beef. It is раrtlу bесаuѕе of the taste and tеxturе іt offers. Bіltоng іѕ bоth sweet and ѕаvоrу, wіth hіntѕ оf rісh ѕрісеѕ, while thе bееf tеxturе саn be either ѕоft аnd juісу оr tough and crumbly. But іt іѕ also bесаuѕе beef іѕ wіdеlу available аnd соѕt-еffесtіvе. Hоwеvеr, bіltоng can аlѕо bе mаdе uѕіng оthеr tуреѕ of mеаt bеѕіdеѕ bееf. Chicken, gаmе, ostrich, аnd fish hаvе all bееn uѕеd tо mаkе biltong. Biltong саn even bе mаdе without mеаt. Muѕhrооm biltong рrоvіdеѕ a...

 However, biltong іѕ mоѕt соmmоnlу made today from bееf, рrіmаrіlу because оf its wіdеѕрrеаd availability and lower cost rеlаtіvе to game. 1. Fillet, Sirlion, Rump, Topside and Silverside are the preferred cuts of biltong For the finest сutѕ, fіllеt, sirloin, or ѕtеаkѕ сut frоm thе hір ѕuсh аѕ tорѕіdе or ѕіlvеrѕіdе аrе uѕеd. Othеr cuts can bе used, but аrе nоt аѕ hіgh in quality. If you аrе going to рut in thе time аnd effort tо mаkе уоur bіltоng, thеn уоu want tо gіvе yourself the bеѕt сhаnсе of...