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How To Make A Peppermint Crisp Tart One of South Africa's most loved desserts The Peppermint Crisp Tart. Layered with coconut Tennis Biscuits,  whipped cream, caramel and sometimes condensed milk too, topped with delicious Peppermint Crisp Chocolate.   No, we’re not baking with leprechauns, friends, this is a real dessert pack with peppermint crisp indulgence. Below are the steps for you to follow:) Have fun. 1. Place tennis biscuits at the bottom of the dish   2. Place caramel in the mixing bowl and mix until smooth 3. Add cream to a separate bowl 4. Whisk the cream until...

We all need a little monday morning motivation to keep us going for the rest of the week.   Below are 9 Monday morning motivational quotes to keep you going for the rest of the week:)   Let's do this Monday :)    1. Facing adversity, just keep walking like Ghandi did. 2. Ignore the naysayers, share your gifts with the world. 3. Keep focused, keep positive, work with the negatives they might just come out positive:) 4. Be innovative with the time you have 5. Have humility, but stand your ground and let...

How to make a party Smartie Cheese Ball like a boss!     STEP 1: Crush one box of smarties in a ziplock bag STEP 2: Place 2 tubs of medium fat cream cheese in a bowl Step 3: Place 1 cup of icing sugar in a bowl Step 4: Smooth Peanut Butter   Step 5: Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence   Steps 6: Mix Mix Mix until you get a lovely smooth batter  Step 7: Add some more Smarties to the bowel and Mix Mix Mix Step 9: Place the smartie mix onto...

Are you passionate about trying something new ?  Try these 5 Easy African Food Recipes that will keep your guest drooling at the dinner table :)    1. Best African Chutney Chicken Ever African Chutney Chicken Recipe by Mrs Balls who else ! Give your chicken a spicing it will never forget :) Try this flavourful chutney chicken recipe that your chicken will never forget... Ingredients 1 Tbs olive oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 6 Tbs Mrs Ball's Original Chutney 1 Tbs Worcestershire sauce 6...

Have you ever tried drinking Rooibos Tea ? Of all the Teas from Japanese sencha that can be earthy to the English breakfast tea that can be acrid...[1] Rooibos tea is sweet, smooth tea, with a slightly nutty taste. Its gentle on the palette and will even please the non-tea drinker. You can have it super light or super strong and has a lovely deep red colour to it...... And Rooibos been such a flavourful tea... it makes a perfect combination with all sorts of flavours, from mixing it with fruit to making...

American Try South African Food

Could Rooibos Tea be the new super tea for athletes?  South African researchers have recently discovered that Rooibos Tea could boost an athletes performance by up to 5% [1]....... We know that for an athlete every single performance percentage counts when it comes to competing in a championship....  Now I don't know about you.......but if Rooibos Tea is good enough for athletic performance..... its sure is good enough for us normal folk.... This super tea originates from South Africa and is packed with anti-oxidants that fight diseases, improves heart health and...